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Last Updated: 2012/04/19
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Is it true that Shia scholars say that the prophet wanted to consummate his marriage with Aisha when she was six years old?
I am from Egypt. Here Sunni scholars claim that Shia scholars say the prophet wanted to consummate his marriage with Aisha when she was six years old, but Abu Bakr said for the marriage contract to be when she was six, and consummation to take place when she turned nine. Is this true?
Concise answer

We couldn’t find anything that supports this idea in our sources; as a matter of fact, our hadiths tell us that intercourse with a girl before she becomes baligh is forbidden.[1] Also, our sources say that the prophet consummated his marriage with Aisha when she was ten (after she had completed nine years of age).[2]

You can ask the person claiming this for his source and inform us of what it is so that we can respond in a more comprehensive manner.


[1] Al-Kāfī, vol. 7, p. 388.

[2] Tahdhib al-Ahkam, vol. 6, p. 251.


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