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  • What is the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s fatwa on looking at non-mahrams?
    7400 Laws and Jurisprudence 2008/05/14
    The Supreme Leader’s fatwa on looking at non-mahrams is the same as the late Imam Khomeini’s. Imam Khomeini says: “It is haram for men to look at the body of non-mahram women, regardless of whether it is with the intention of pleasure or not. Looking at the face and hands ...
  • How is it possible for some of the Imams to reach Imamate while still children?
    7539 The infallibles 2011/08/15
    According to the undisputed belief of Imami Shi’ism taken from numerous verses and Prophetic traditions, the Imamate is a Divine position. So if it is established that someone has been divinely appointed to this position a Muslim must submit to his command and authority without question obeying ...
  • What are the rules of reaching the age of menopause for a woman 49 years of age?
    13043 Laws and Jurisprudence 2017/01/21
    All jurisprudence agrees that the blood which a woman sees after the age of 60 years is not classified as Hayd, though it might bear the signs of menstrual blood. As for the blood which women see after completion of 50 lunar years until 60, the rules ...
  • Why is full hijab compulsory for Muslim women in Iran?
    7682 Laws and Jurisprudence 2011/12/11
    Hijab is one of the Islamic duties which existed in other religions also. It has been stated in the Holy Quran and in numerous traditions that a woman should cover all parts of her body except her face and hands up to the wrists. Therefore, the ...
  • Did Mukhtar keep any love of Abu Bakr and Umar in his heart? Why didn’t he defend Imam Hussein in Karbala?
    12459 Laws and Jurisprudence 2017/01/24
    The traditions about Mukhtar in our sources are divided into two categories; some of them praise and others simply reproach him. The scholars who specialize in hadith and biographical accounts generally choose to rely on the traditions which praise him and they have given their views about ...
  • What is sex change?
    7768 Laws and Jurisprudence 2012/08/23
    Although dictionaries do not provide a definition for "sex change", it means any change and transformation in a male, female or genderless in such a way that the current state is different from the previous one. Medically speaking, sex change is different from "genetic modification" ...
  • Did the prophet commit Tark al-awla in the battle of Badr or Tabuk?
    9611 Traditional 2012/01/15
    Some Muslims scholars from denominations other than Shiism believed that when the Prophet did not receive revelations in regard to a certain issue, he would improvise in that regard. On this basis, it is possible that the prophet sometimes made decisions that were not in the best interest ...
  • Will God abandon me or love me less if I am bad?
    6260 Practical 2011/09/11
    Although Shaitan is man's sworn enemy and it is making its utmost efforts to lead man towards sins and evil actions and to create a gap between him and God, God loves His servants even the sinners and He wants them to be guided and prosperous. Therefore, no sinner ...
  • What is the Islamic law about giving walima (banquet) in general and marriage banquet in particular?
    12133 Practical 2011/09/27
    One of the recommended Islamic traditions is feeding one's brethren in faith. Imam Sadiq (a) says:"إِنَّ اللَّهَ تَبَارَکَ وَ تَعَالَى یُحِبُّ إِهْرَاقَ الدِّمَاءِ وَ إِطْعَامَ الطَّعَامِ"
  • Is infallibility based on predestination or free will?
    8358 Philosophy of Religion 2010/05/26
    This question doesn’t have a brief answer. Please click on the detailed answer. ...
