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  • What are the traits of the “mursal” religion?
    7713 Philosophy of Religion 2008/10/12
    1- The number of “mursal” religions is always in correspondence with the number of messengers sent by Allah (swt).2- The mursal religion is a result of man’s need towards the message of Allah (swt) to the people.3- The ...
  • Is the repentance of a person who has committed sodomy accepted?
    15165 Practical 2011/05/08
    From the Islamic viewpoint, sodomy is a very inferior and ugly act and is one of the great sins for which heavy punishments have been determined, namely execution.[1]What various verses of the Quran tell us is that no matter how great and numerous one’s sins ...
  • آیا پیامبر اسلام(ص) پدران و مادرانی که توجه کافی به فرزندانشان را ندارند نفرین کرد؟
    4749 Hadith 2022/09/04
    در یکی از فرازهای وصیتی طولانی از رسول خدا(ص) به امام علی(ع) چنین آمده است:«... یَا عَلِیُّ لَعَنَ اللَّهُ وَالِدَیْنِ حَمَلَا وَلَدَهُمَا عَلَى عُقُوقِهِمَا...»؛[i] علی! خداوند لعنت کند پدر و مادری را که با رفتار خود موجب آن می‌شوند که فرزندشان آنان را عاق کند.و در ادامه می‌فرماید:«یَا عَلِیُّ یَلْزَمُ الْوَالِدَیْنِ ...
  • Is God is so powerless that He cannot do any act unless there should be someone else to carry out His tasks?
    7218 Traditional 2011/12/20
    The claim and presupposition in this question is that God does the act of which He is capable and if there is an act which He does not have the power to do, He uses certain means to carry them out and achieve His ends. However, ...
  • What are the ways through which one can prevent the influence of the evil eye?
    14299 Practical 2011/05/25
    The Quran has accepted a fact called the "evil eye" and it has pointed out instances of its influence. Quranic historical reports from the predecessors also confirm it as a reality. The evil eye is a look that is believed by many scholars to be able to cause injury ...
  • How old are the angels? Do the high angles die? How?
    11057 Traditional 2007/11/12
    According to narrations, the angels were created after the creation of prophet Mohammad’s (s) and the imam's divine spirit. All of them, even Gabriel, Israfil, and other high angels, will die before Judgment Day. About how the angels die, possibility, they will die by breaking the relationship between their soul ...
  • What is the boundary of forgiveness and not tolerating of oppression?
    2390 معیار شناسی (دین و اخلاق) 2021/03/30
  • I would like to know the methods of religious thought.
    8658 Traditional 2006/07/15
    There are three methods of religious thought in Islam. The Holy Quran in its teachings points to three paths for Muslims to follow in order to comprehend the purposes of religion and the Islamic sciences: (1) the path of the external and formal aspect of religion (the ...
  • Is paying khums obligatory on my wife’s dowry?
    4935 آنچه خمس بدان تعلق می گیرد 2017/01/25
    According to most of maraja’, since dowry is considered as gift or it will be used in the future, payment of khums is not obligatory on it. However, it is regarded as those things on which payment of khums is obligatory, according to some of maraja’
  • Why did Islam expand and spread in Asia more than it did in Europe?
    13858 Traditional 2012/04/02
    Islam emerged in Asia and it spread across the Arab world and Asia. There are multiple factors behind the fact that Islam did not spread in Europe. Those factors include the internal discord and conflicts among Muslims themselves and their failure to introduce the true and beautiful image of ...
