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  • Does divine infinity mean that He is ambiguous?
    6668 Philosophy of Gnosis 2012/02/08
    Divine infinity does not signify mathematical and numerical infinity; rather it means absoluteness and possession of all attributes of perfection. Knowing the One God, as the most perfect being with the most perfect attributes and devoid of any imperfection and deficiency and understanding His relationship with the world which is ...
  • What is Islam’s viewpoint on cloning?
    9448 Laws and Jurisprudence 2008/05/12
    Cloning and especially the cloning of humans is a new subject that has come up in our era and as a result, its ruling hasn’t been mentioned in the Quran and Islamic tradition, yet Shia scholars and jurisprudents have been able to reach certain conclusions on it using ijtihad (Islamic ...
  • What is khums and what is it paid on?
    8360 Laws and Jurisprudence 2012/12/16
    Khums literally means “one-fifth or 20%”. In Islamic legal terminology, it means “one-fifth of certain items which a person earns by means of trade, industry, agricultural work, research or any other ways of earning, like, if he earns some money by working in a government department, and ...
  • Do the descendants of the Prophet have to pay khums?
    7033 Laws and Jurisprudence 2011/04/20
    If one acquires wealth through business or industry or any other means, in the case of the wealth exceeding his and his household’s yearly needs, he must then submit one fifth (khums) of the remaining wealth to a qualified mujtahid, or spend that amount in a way that ...
  • How did Adam\'s offspring grow? Whom did Adam\'s (A.S) children marry?
    27829 Hadith 2015/01/05
    According to the traditions and some interpreters' viewpoints, the current generation of mankind is not from Abel or Cain, it’s from Adam’s (A.S) other son, Seth. However, when it comes to the marriage of Adam’s (A.S) children, there are some viewpoints among Muslim scholars, each mentioning reasons ...
  • Is it permissible to eat food cooked by the Aghakhanis (an Isma’ili denomination)?
    7816 Laws and Jurisprudence 2010/07/20
    Those who aren't of the Twelver Shia sect, whether they are of the Shia sect, such Zaydis and Ismailis, or of the Sunni sect, are all considered Muslims and pak, making the food they cook and the meat they might sell halal and pak. Imam Khomeini says: “One ...
  • Is it obligatory to make wudu after ghusl in order to offer prayers?
    33707 کیفیت و احکام غسل 2017/01/23
    Grand Ayatollahs Imam Khomeini, Bahjat, Khamenei and Saafi: One who has performed jinabat ghusl mustn’t perform wudu in order to offer his prayers, but one must perform wudu after he has performed another obligatory or mustahab ghusl. [1] Ayatollah Fazel: One who has ...
  • Is there such a hadith that says: "There will come a day that there will be 73 different Muslim sects"?
    9779 Contextual study 2010/02/20
    The hadiths that relate to the Ummah's division have been cited and narrated through various chains of Sunni and Shia narrators.All of them have spoken of the division of the prophet’s ummah after him and ...
  • How was the ultimate underlying substance created by Allah? Was there anything existing alongside Allah?
    3886 Islamic Philosophy 2017/01/21
    This issue has something to do closely with the issue of "the created" (hādith) and "the eternal" (qadim). The key to understanding this topic is to understand the concept of existence, non-existence and tajalli (divine self-manifestation) which is the appearance and disclosure of God as truth in ...
  • Is Imam Ali capable of reviving the dead?
    11531 Exegesis 2011/04/20
    Asserting that someone can independently do so without God’s assistance is in absolute contradiction with tawhid af’ali (oneness in action), for death and life is solely in God’s hand.However, if one were to carry out this act with God’s consent, it would then be considered probable and possible.
